Navigating Extended

We have a lot of possibilities/keys to move into the files without we need to use the mouse. Because these keys and combinations that we don’t leave our hands from the keyboard.
We’ll divide it into some parts, just to facilitate the structure.

Screen or File

When we are working in big files, sometimes we are writing in the bottom of the screen. Vim has a solution for us =). Now we’ll know the keys to move the screen.

Key Description
zt Move the screen to the top of the window
zz Move the screen to the middle of the window
zb Move the screen to the bottom of the window

Let’s think, how many times we open a file and see that we need to change the last lines, but the editor opens in the first line. For us Vim users this isn’t a problem, because we have some keys to help us.

Key Description
H Move the cursor to the highest line on the screen
M Move the cursor to the middle line on the screen
L Move the cursor to the lowest line on the screen

When we know that we want to go to begin/end of the file, we can use these keys.

Key Description
gg Move the cursor to the begin of file
G Move the cursor to the end of file

When you know the line that we need to go, we just need type the number and G, we have another option for this. We can type : and the number(just remember, : it works in normal mode). The difference here is, using G you can do it in visual mode to select texts.

Key Description
`` Return to the previous place
Return to previous line

These commands will have different behavior when you execute in big or small files. I suggest that you open some small and big files, then test it to understand.

Words or content

Now let’s see keys to navigate between words, these keys help us to move fast and mainly we don’t need to use the mouse.

Let’s start with navigation into the line.

Key Description
^ Move to first char in begin line
0 Move to begin line
$ Move to end line

Then let’s navigate between words.

Key Description
w Move to begin with next word
e Move to end of current word
b Move to begin with the previous word
ge Move to end of the previous word

Now we will show a great way to jump into the words. We can use the keys f or t to do it.
For example, in this line we type ff, the cursor will jump to the first occurrence that it finds (exactly in the char found). If we use tf, the behavior is almost equal, but now, the cursor will be before the char found(if you see this markdown, the cursor will be exactly in * before the first f found).

Key Description
fc Jump to next char found
Fc Jump to previous char found
tc Jump to next char found(go to previous char)
Tc Jump to previous found (go to next char)

Ok this is nice, but sometimes we need to repeat it, how can we do it?

Key Description
; Jump to next char found
, Jump to previous char found

We can jump using a word, and we can do it.

Key Description
* Jump to next word found
# Jump to the previous word found

Just remember: You can use numbers to define repetitions. For example, you want to jump word and you use w you can do 2w to jump to the second occurrence found.